It’s Never 2 Late

A Technology Breakthrough in Senior Care
It’s Never 2 Late (iN2L) enhances the quality of residents’ lives by promoting independence through technology, while helping them connect with the world around them. An interactive content library provides memory care, therapy sessions, and wellness activities at your fingertips.
The nationally-recognized iN2L program is an intuitive touchscreen computer system specially-designed for seniors to enjoy. At Eastridge, the advanced system combines adaptive hardware, innovative software, and engaging content to deliver a resident-centered experience. Featured in more than 2,000 care communities across the country, it makes technology programs, like email and Skype, easy and fun for seniors to use.

In addition to supporting online connections with friends and family, the program offers health benefits in therapy, sensory and memory care. With more than 4,600 applications to choose from, exercises in memory care and activities for speech, physical and occupational therapy are just a few clicks away.


Residents can choose from thousands of fun, interactive games and wellness programs to help keep them laughing and feeling healthy. From listening to music and drawing to Google earth and digital casino games, residents always enjoy the experience. Our 72-inch touch screen TV is perfect for engaging residents with group games, while our 32-inch touch screen TV is ideal for individual use.

At Eastridge, everyone benefits from iN2L. We’ve seen residents with mobility issues have their spirits instantly lifted from having the world at their fingertips. Hearing-impaired residents can even play community bingo by using the screen as a visual aid. Residents with limited hand function can once again assemble puzzles and other activities that require fine motor skills with the help of the touch screen.

The many benefits seniors can experience from the iN2L program include the following:

  • Reduced reliance on medication and psychotropic drugs
  • Enhanced quality of life
  • Improved communication and relationships with friends and family
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Improved social engagement

  • Encourages independence
  • Increases participation in group activities
  • Elevated mood and decreased feelings of depression
  • Memory care and therapy support
  • Supports extended medical treatment sessions

For more information on iN2L and the wide range of health benefits seniors can experience, visit